# Technologies

# Frontend

Make sure you have the following software installed on your development machine:

  • Node.js v16 and NPM v8

The frontend is developed with [Angular][angular], relies on the Angular CLI and is written in Typescript. Styling in ALEX is done with [Bootstrap v4][bootstrap] and SASS stylesheets. All frontend files can be found in frontend/src/main/javascript.

# Backend

Make sure you have the following software installed on your development machine:

  • Java JDK 17
  • Maven 3.8.*

# Maven goals

Make sure you mvn installed ALEX once before executing any of the following commands.

Command Description
mvn test Execute all backend unit tests.
mvn verify Execute all backend unit and integration tests.
mvn checkstyle:check -Pcode-analysis Check if the code style is according to the specifications.
mvn spotbugs:check -Pcode-analysis Execute static code analysis with Spotbugs.
mvn spring-boot:run Start the REST API of ALEX.
Last Updated: 7/14/2023, 9:58:27 AM