# Development (Kubernetes)

# Local setup

This section describes the steps that are required to deploy and run ALEX on a local kubernetes cluster.

# Prerequisites

  1. Install docker, minikube, kubectl, helm and skaffold.
  2. Start minikube: minikube start.
  3. Install necessary add-ons:
    minikube addons enable ingress && \
    minikube addons enable ingress-dns
  4. Add a host alias to the /etc/hosts file: Execute minikube ip to get the IP address of the local cluster and add an entry <ip> alex to the /etc/hosts file.
  5. Install secret: kubectl apply -f infrastructure/helm-chart/secrets-local.yaml
  6. Install Keda:
    1. helm repo add kedacore https://kedacore.github.io/charts && helm repo update
    2. kubectl create namespace keda
    3. helm install keda kedacore/keda --namespace keda

# Deploy ALEX to Minikube

  1. Ensure you use the local minikube kubernetes context: kubectl config use-context minikube
  2. In the root of the repository, run skaffold dev -p local to execute the deployment.
  3. Open http://alex in a Web browser.

# Remote setup

This section describes the steps that are required to deploy and run ALEX on a remote kubernetes cluster.

# Prerequisites

  1. Install microk8s on a server.
  2. Enable the following add-ons: microk8s enable dns ingress registry storage.
  3. Copy the cluster details from microk8s kubectl config view to the local /.kube/config file.

# Deploy ALEX to a remote cluster

  1. Create a file ./helm-chart/values-temp.yaml, and set the necessary properties (see values-local.yaml).
  2. Switch to the kubernetes context of the cluster that you have entered earlier: kubectl config use-context <context>.
  3. In the root of the repository, execute skaffold run -p temp to deploy the app.
Last Updated: 7/14/2023, 9:58:27 AM