# Performing a release

In the developer branch, perform the following steps:

  1. Update the version, in the following files:
    • backend/pom.xml
    • frontend/package.json
    • frontend/src/environments/environment.*.ts
    • cli/package.json
    • docs/package.json
  2. Commit and push the changes to the developer branch.
  3. Merge the developer branch in the master branch.
  4. In the master branch, create a new tag with the new version and perform a GitHub release.
    • Append the current docker-compose.production.yml file. For this purpose, rename the file according to the current release version, e.g. docker-compose.alex-3.0.0.yml
  5. In the developer branch, increment the version in all files from step 1 to the next minor version and append the -SNAPSHOT suffix.
Last Updated: 7/14/2023, 9:58:27 AM