Class AbstractBFInclusionOracle<A extends DetOutputAutomaton<?,​I,​?,​D>,​I,​D>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractBFInclusionOracle

        public AbstractBFInclusionOracle​(MembershipOracle<I,​D> membershipOracle,
                                         double multiplier)
    • Method Detail

      • isCounterExample

        public boolean isCounterExample​(A hypothesis,
                                        Iterable<? extends I> inputs,
                                        D output)
        Description copied from interface: AutomatonOracle
        Returns whether the given input and output is a counter example for the given hypothesis.
        Specified by:
        isCounterExample in interface AutomatonOracle<A extends DetOutputAutomaton<?,​I,​?,​D>,​I,​D>
        hypothesis - the hypothesis
        inputs - the input sequence
        output - the output corresponding to the input.
        whether the given input and output is a counter example.
      • findCounterExample

        public @Nullable DefaultQuery<I,​D> findCounterExample​(A hypothesis,
                                                                    Collection<? extends I> inputs)
        Description copied from interface: EquivalenceOracle
        Searches for a counterexample disproving the subjected hypothesis. A counterexample is query which, when performed on the SUL, yields a different output than what was predicted by the hypothesis. If no counterexample could be found (this does not necessarily mean that none exists), null is returned.
        Specified by:
        findCounterExample in interface AutomatonOracle<A extends DetOutputAutomaton<?,​I,​?,​D>,​I,​D>
        Specified by:
        findCounterExample in interface EquivalenceOracle<A extends DetOutputAutomaton<?,​I,​?,​D>,​I,​D>
        hypothesis - the conjecture
        inputs - the set of inputs to consider, this should be a subset of the input alphabet of the provided hypothesis
        a query exposing different behavior, or null if no counterexample could be found. In case a non-null value is returned, the output field in the DefaultQuery contains the SUL output for the respective query.