Interface AutomatonOracle<A extends DeterministicAutomaton<?,​I,​?>,​I,​D>

    • Method Detail

      • isCounterExample

        boolean isCounterExample​(A hypothesis,
                                 Iterable<? extends I> inputs,
                                 D output)
        Returns whether the given input and output is a counter example for the given hypothesis.
        hypothesis - the hypothesis
        inputs - the input sequence
        output - the output corresponding to the input.
        whether the given input and output is a counter example.
      • nextInput

        @Nullable Word<I> nextInput()
        Returns the next input word, or null if there is no next input.

        Implementations could for example return words in a breadth-first, or depth-first manner.

        the next input word, or null if there is no next input.
      • addWord

        void addWord​(Word<I> input)
        Add a new input word.

        Implementations could add words to e.g. a Stack, or Queue.

        input - the input word to add.
      • getMultiplier

        double getMultiplier()
        Returns the multiplier used to compute the number of queries this automaton oracle should perform to decide whether a given hypothesis is a counter example.
        the multiplier
      • setMultiplier

        void setMultiplier​(double multiplier)
        multiplier - the multiplier
        See Also:
      • processInput

        DefaultQuery<I,​D> processInput​(A hypothesis,
                                             Word<I> input)
        Processes the given input. Implementations could use membership oracles to process the query.
        hypothesis - the hypothesis.
        input - the input to process.
        the processed query.
      • addWords

        default void addWords​(A hypothesis,
                              Collection<? extends I> inputs,
                              Word<I> prefix)
        Adds words to a datastructure. The key part of the implementation is that undefined inputs will be skipped.
        hypothesis - the automaton to add words for.
        inputs - the input alphabet.
        prefix - the current prefix to extend.
      • accepts

        boolean accepts​(A hypothesis,
                        Iterable<? extends I> input)
        Returns whether the given input is accepted by the given hypothesis.
        hypothesis - the hypothesis automaton.
        input - the input.
        whether the given input is accepted.
      • findCounterExample

        default @Nullable DefaultQuery<I,​D> findCounterExample​(A hypothesis,
                                                                     Collection<? extends I> inputs,
                                                                     int maxQueries)
        Find a counterexample for a given hypothesis.
        hypothesis - the hypothesis to find a counter example to.
        inputs - the alphabet.
        maxQueries - the maximum number of queries.
        the counterexample, or null if a counter example does not exist.
      • findCounterExample

        default @Nullable DefaultQuery<I,​D> findCounterExample​(A hypothesis,
                                                                     Collection<? extends I> inputs)
        Finds a counter example to the given hypothesis. By default, the maximum number of queries performed are hypothesis.size() * getMultiplier().
        hypothesis - the hypothesis automaton.
        inputs - the input alphabet.
        the counter example, or null if a counter example does not exist