Class ADDTransformer<L,​AP>

  • Type Parameters:
    L - edge label type
    AP - atomic proposition type

    public class ADDTransformer<L,​AP>
    extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<ADDTransformer<L,​AP>,​L,​AP>
    An ADDTransformer represents a property transformer for a single ADD (Algebraic Decision Diagram).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ADDTransformer

        public ADDTransformer​(XDDManager<BooleanVector> xddManager,
                              DependencyGraph<L,​AP> dependGraph)
        Constructor used to initialize the property transformer of a node.
        xddManager - used to create the ADD
        dependGraph - of the formula that is currently being solved
      • ADDTransformer

        public ADDTransformer​(XDDManager<BooleanVector> ddManager)
        Creates the identity function. This sets the internal ADD to null to avoid the construction of the ADD, which is very expensive. To prevent null-pointer exceptions when using getAdd(), it can be checked with isIdentity().
        ddManager - used to create the ADD
      • ADDTransformer

        public ADDTransformer​(XDDManager<BooleanVector> xddManager,
                              L edgeLabel,
                              TP edgeProperty,
                              DependencyGraph<L,​AP> dependGraph)
        Constructor used to create the property transformer for an edge.
        Type Parameters:
        TP - edge property type
        xddManager - used to create the ADD
        edgeLabel - of the edge
        edgeProperty - of the edge
        dependGraph - of the formula that is currently being solved