Class DependencyGraph<L,​AP>

  • Type Parameters:
    L - edge label type
    AP - atomic proposition type

    public class DependencyGraph<L,​AP>
    extends Object
    A dependency graph is used to represent a hierarchical equational system.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DependencyGraph

        public DependencyGraph​(FormulaNode<L,​AP> root)
    • Method Detail

      • getBlock

        public EquationalBlock<L,​AP> getBlock​(int index)
        Returns the equational block for the given index.
        index - index of the equational block to return
        the equational block at the given index.
      • getNumVariables

        public int getNumVariables()
        Returns the number of variables which is equal to the number of subformulas.
        the number of variables.
      • getFormulaNodes

        public List<FormulaNode<L,​AP>> getFormulaNodes()
        Returns the list of all subformulas.
        the list of all subformulas.
      • getBlocks

        public List<EquationalBlock<L,​AP>> getBlocks()
        Returns all equational blocks of the equational system.
        all equational blocks of the equational system.
      • getAST

        public FormulaNode<L,​AP> getAST()
        Returns the abstract syntax tree of the input formula after it has been transformed into negation normal form.
        the abstract syntax tree in negation normal form.
      • toBoolArray

        public boolean[] toBoolArray​(BitSet satisfiedVars)
        Returns a boolean array that is sized according to getNumVariables() such that every index provided in satisfiedVars is set to true.
        satisfiedVars - the set of indices that should be set to true
        a boolean array that is sized according to getNumVariables() such that every index provided in satisfiedVars is set to true.