Class SimpleMapGraph<N>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleMapGraph

        public SimpleMapGraph()
        Initializes a graph where the adjacency structure is stored using a HashMap, and adjacency information for a single node is stored using HashSets.
      • SimpleMapGraph

        public SimpleMapGraph​(Supplier<? extends Collection<@Nullable N>> adjCollSupplier)
        Initializes a graph where the adjacency structure is stored using a HashMap, and adjacency information for a single node is stored in data structures created via the provided supplier.
        adjCollSupplier - the supplier for per-node adjacency collections
      • SimpleMapGraph

        public SimpleMapGraph​(Map<@Nullable N,​Collection<@Nullable N>> structureMap)
        Initializes a graph using the given adjacency structure, and adjacency information for a single node is stored using HashSets.
        structureMap - the map for the overall graph structure
      • SimpleMapGraph

        public SimpleMapGraph​(Map<@Nullable N,​Collection<@Nullable N>> structureMap,
                              Supplier<? extends Collection<@Nullable N>> adjCollSupplier)
        Initializes a graph using the given adjacency structure, and adjacency information for a single node is stored in data structures created via the provided supplier.
        structureMap - the map for the overall graph structure
        adjCollSupplier - the supplier for per-node adjacency collections