Interface IndefiniteSimpleGraph<N>

    • Method Detail

      • getAdjacentNodesIterator

        Iterator<N> getAdjacentNodesIterator​(N node)
        Retrieves, for a given node, all adjacent nodes.
        node - the node
        an iterator over the adjacent nodes
      • isConnected

        default boolean isConnected​(N source,
                                    N target)
        Checks, for two given nodes, whether they are connected.
        source - the source node
        target - the target node
        true if the nodes are connect, false otherwise
      • createStaticNodeMapping

        default <@Nullable V> MutableMapping<N,​V> createStaticNodeMapping()
        Creates a MutableMapping allowing to associate arbitrary data with this graph's nodes. The returned mapping is however only guaranteed to work correctly if the transition system is not modified.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the mapping
        the mutable mapping
      • createDynamicNodeMapping

        default <@Nullable V> MutableMapping<N,​V> createDynamicNodeMapping()
        Creates a MutableMapping allowing to associate arbitrary data with this graph's nodes. The returned mapping maintains the association even when the transition system is modified.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the value type of the mapping
        the mutable mapping