Class Inconsistency<I>

  • Type Parameters:
    I - input symbol type

    public class Inconsistency<I>
    extends Object
    A description of an inconsistency in an GenericObservationTable. An inconsistency consists of two short prefixes u, u' with identical contents, and an input symbol a, such that the rows for ua and u'a have different contents.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Inconsistency

        public Inconsistency​(Row<I> firstRow,
                             Row<I> secondRow,
                             I symbol)
    • Method Detail

      • getFirstRow

        public Row<I> getFirstRow()
        Retrieves the first (short prefix) row constituting the inconsistency.
        the first row
      • getSecondRow

        public Row<I> getSecondRow()
        Retrieves the second (short prefix) row constituting the inconsistency.
        the second row
      • getSymbol

        public I getSymbol()
        Retrieves the symbol for which's one-letter extensions the corresponding rows have different contents.
        the symbol