Class AbstractAutomatonLStar<A,​I,​D,​S,​T,​SP,​TP,​AI extends MutableDeterministic<S,​I,​T,​SP,​TP> & SupportsGrowingAlphabet<I>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAutomatonLStar

        protected AbstractAutomatonLStar​(Alphabet<I> alphabet,
                                         MembershipOracle<I,​D> oracle,
                                         AI internalHyp)
        alphabet - the learning alphabet
        oracle - the learning oracle
    • Method Detail

      • startLearning

        public final void startLearning()
        Description copied from interface: LearningAlgorithm
        Starts the model inference process, creating an initial hypothesis in the provided model object. Please note that it should be illegal to invoke this method twice.
        Specified by:
        startLearning in interface LearningAlgorithm<A,​I,​D>
        startLearning in class AbstractLStar<A,​I,​D>
      • stateProperty

        protected abstract SP stateProperty​(ObservationTable<I,​D> table,
                                            Row<I> stateRow)
        Derives a state property from the corresponding row.
        table - the current observation table
        stateRow - the row for which the state is created
        the state property of the corresponding state
      • createState

        protected S createState​(boolean initial,
                                Row<I> row)
      • setTransition

        protected void setTransition​(S from,
                                     I input,
                                     S to,
                                     Row<I> fromRow,
                                     int inputIdx)
      • transitionProperty

        protected abstract TP transitionProperty​(ObservationTable<I,​D> table,
                                                 Row<I> stateRow,
                                                 int inputIdx)
        Derives a transition property from the corresponding transition.

        N.B.: Not the transition row is passed to this method, but the row for the outgoing state. The transition row can be retrieved using Row.getSuccessor(int).

        stateRow - the row for the source state
        inputIdx - the index of the input symbol to consider
        the transition property of the corresponding transition
      • refineHypothesisInternal

        protected void refineHypothesisInternal​(DefaultQuery<I,​D> ceQuery)
      • resume

        public void resume​(AutomatonLStarState<I,​D,​AI,​S> state)
        Description copied from interface: Resumable
        Resume the datastructure from a previously suspended point in time.
        Specified by:
        resume in interface Resumable<A>
        state - The learner state.