Class ADT<S,​I,​O>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - (hypothesis) state type
    I - input alphabet type
    O - output alphabet type

    public class ADT<S,​I,​O>
    extends Object
    The adaptive discrimination tree class. Essentially holds a reference to the root ADTNode and offers some utility methods used throughout the learning process.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ADT

        public ADT()
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public void initialize​(S state)
        Initializes the ADT with a single leaf node.
        state - the referenced state of the leaf
      • getRoot

        public ADTNode<S,​I,​O> getRoot()
        Returns the root node of this ADT.
        the root
      • replaceNode

        public void replaceNode​(ADTNode<S,​I,​O> oldNode,
                                ADTNode<S,​I,​O> newNode)
        Replaces an existing node in the tree with a new one and updates the references of parent/child nodes accordingly.
        oldNode - the node to replace
        newNode - the replacement
      • extendLeaf

        public ADTNode<S,​I,​O> extendLeaf​(ADTNode<S,​I,​O> nodeToSplit,
                                                     Word<I> distinguishingSuffix,
                                                     Word<O> oldOutput,
                                                     Word<O> newOutput,
                                                     LeafSplitter leafSplitter)
        Splitting a leaf node by extending the trace leading into the node to split.
        nodeToSplit - the leaf node to extends
        distinguishingSuffix - the input sequence that splits the hypothesis state of the leaf to split and the new node. The current trace leading into the node to split must be a prefix of this word.
        oldOutput - the hypothesis output of the node to split given the distinguishing suffix
        newOutput - the hypothesis output of the new leaf given the distinguishing suffix
        leafSplitter - the split strategy in case the root node needs to be split
        the new leaf node
      • splitLeaf

        public ADTNode<S,​I,​O> splitLeaf​(ADTNode<S,​I,​O> nodeToSplit,
                                                    Word<I> distinguishingSuffix,
                                                    Word<O> oldOutput,
                                                    Word<O> newOutput,
                                                    LeafSplitter leafSplitter)
        Splits a leaf node using a given LeafSplitter.
        nodeToSplit - the leaf node to split
        distinguishingSuffix - the input sequence that splits the hypothesis state of the leaf to split and the new node
        oldOutput - the hypothesis output of the node to split given the distinguishing suffix
        newOutput - the hypothesis output of the new leaf given the distinguishing suffix
        leafSplitter - the split strategy for leaves
        the new leaf node
      • findLCA

        public ADT.LCAInfo<S,​I,​O> findLCA​(ADTNode<S,​I,​O> s1,
                                                      ADTNode<S,​I,​O> s2)
        Return the lowest common ancestor for the given two nodes.
        s1 - first node
        s2 - second node
        A ADT.LCAInfo containing the lowest common ADTNode, the output determining the subtree of the first node and the output determining the subtree of the second node