Class WpMethodTestsIterator<I>

  • Type Parameters:
    I - input symbol type
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WpMethodTestsIterator<I>
    extends ForwardingIterator<Word<I>>
    Iterator that returns test words generated by the partial W method.

    See "Test selection based on finite state models" by S. Fujiwara et al.

    • Constructor Detail

      • WpMethodTestsIterator

        public WpMethodTestsIterator​(UniversalDeterministicAutomaton<?,​I,​?,​?,​?> automaton,
                                     Collection<? extends I> inputs,
                                     int maxDepth)
        automaton - the automaton for which the testing sequences should be generated
        inputs - the input symbols that should be considered for test sequence generation
        maxDepth - the maximum number of symbols that are appended to the transition-cover part of the test sequences