Class SolverHistory<T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,​L,​AP>,​L,​AP>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - property transformer type
    L - edge label type
    AP - atomic proposition type

    public final class SolverHistory<T extends AbstractPropertyTransformer<T,​L,​AP>,​L,​AP>
    extends Object
    A class used to store internal information produced by AbstractDDSolver.solveAndRecordHistory(net.automatalib.modelchecker.m3c.formula.FormulaNode<L, AP>) while checking the satisfiability of a formula. The internal information can be used for debugging or visualization purposes.
    • Method Detail

      • getData

        public Map<L,​SolverData<?,​T,​L,​AP>> getData()
        Returns a Map containing information per procedure name.
        a Map containing information per procedure name
      • getMustTransformers

        public Map<L,​T> getMustTransformers​(TransformerSerializer<T,​L,​AP> serializer)
        Returns a Map which maps the edge label of must edges to their property transformer. This method requires a TransformerSerializer as all property transform are stored as Strings in this class. The returned map is not cached and will be computed on each call. The property transformer of an edge is initialized once and will not be modified which is why this map is only stored once and not in each SolverState.
        serializer - used to deserialize each property transformer from a String
        a Map which maps the edge label of must edges to their property transformer
      • getMayTransformers

        public Map<L,​T> getMayTransformers​(TransformerSerializer<T,​L,​AP> serializer)
        Returns a Map which maps the edge label of may edges to their property transformer. This method requires a TransformerSerializer as all property transform are stored as Strings in this class. The returned map is not cached and will be computed on each call. The property transformer of an edge is initialized once and will not be modified which is why this map is only stored once and not in each SolverState.
        serializer - used to deserialize each property transformer from a String
        a Map which maps the edge label of may edges to their property transformer
      • isSat

        public boolean isSat()
        Returns whether the formula put into AbstractDDSolver.solveAndRecordHistory(FormulaNode) is satisfied.
        true if formula is satisfied, false otherwise