Class LTSminLTLAlternating<I,​O>

    • Constructor Detail

      • LTSminLTLAlternating

        public LTSminLTLAlternating​(boolean keepFiles,
                                    Function<String,​I> string2Input,
                                    Function<String,​O> string2Output,
                                    int minimumUnfolds,
                                    double multiplier,
                                    Collection<? super O> skipOutputs)
    • Method Detail

      • requiresOriginalAutomaton

        public boolean requiresOriginalAutomaton()
        Description copied from interface: LTSminAlternating
        Whether this model checker requires the original Mealy machine to read the Mealy machines from an FSM.
        Specified by:
        requiresOriginalAutomaton in interface LTSminAlternating<I,​O,​Lasso.MealyLasso<I,​O>>
        false, because only lassos should be read from FSMs.
      • verifyFormula

        protected void verifyFormula​(String formula)
        Description copied from class: AbstractLTSmin
        This method must verify that the given formula adheres to the expected syntax of the chosen serialization format for hypotheses of this model-checker.

        If the formula does not adhere to the expected syntax, this method should throw a IllegalArgumentException, possibly containing nested causes that further elaborate on why the formula couldn't be verified.

        verifyFormula in class AbstractLTSminLTLMealy<I,​O>
        formula - the formula to verify