Interface IncrementalMooreBuilder<I,​O>

    • Method Detail

      • lookup

        boolean lookup​(Word<? extends I> inputWord,
                       List<? super O> output)
        Retrieves the output word for the given input word. If no definitive information for the input word exists, the output for the longest known prefix will be returned.
        inputWord - the input word
        output - a consumer for constructing the output word
        true if the information contained was complete (in this case, word.length() == output.size() + 1 will hold), false otherwise.
      • lookup

        default Word<O> lookup​(Word<? extends I> inputWord)
      • hasDefinitiveInformation

        default boolean hasDefinitiveInformation​(Word<? extends I> word)
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalConstruction
        Checks whether this class has definitive information about a given word.
        Specified by:
        hasDefinitiveInformation in interface IncrementalConstruction<I,​O>
        word - the word
        true if this class has definitive information about the word, false otherwise.
      • insert

        void insert​(Word<? extends I> inputWord,
                    Word<? extends O> outputWord)
        Incorporates a pair of input/output words into the stored information.
        inputWord - the input word
        outputWord - the corresponding output word
        ConflictException - if this information conflicts with information already stored
      • asTransitionSystem

        MooreTransitionSystem<?,​I,​?,​O> asTransitionSystem()
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalConstruction
        Retrieves a transition system view of the current state of the construction. The transition system model should be backed by the construction, i.e., subsequent changes will be reflected in the transition system.
        Specified by:
        asTransitionSystem in interface IncrementalConstruction<I,​O>
        a transition system view on the current state of the construction