Class SimpleStateIDs<S>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimpleStateIDs<S>
    extends Object
    implements StateIDs<S>
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getStateId

        public int getStateId​(S state)
        Description copied from interface: StateIDs
        Returns for a given state of the automaton an integer uniquely identifying the state. The returned ids should be within the range of the number of states of the automaton so that they can be used for array-based indexing.
        Specified by:
        getStateId in interface StateIDs<S>
        state - the state whose id should be retrieved
        the (positive) id of the given automaton state
      • getState

        public S getState​(int id)
        Description copied from interface: StateIDs
        Return for a given id the state of the automaton identified by it.
        Specified by:
        getState in interface StateIDs<S>
        id - the id of the state to be returned
        the automaton state identified by the given id.