Class BricsNFA

    • Constructor Detail

      • BricsNFA

        public BricsNFA​(Automaton automaton)

        Note: Brics automata may only be partially defined (especially when created from regular expressions). If you plan to use this wrapper in any structural analysis (e.g. for determining equivalence), consider using BricsNFA(Automaton, boolean) instead.

        automaton - the Brics automaton to wrap.
      • BricsNFA

        public BricsNFA​(Automaton automaton,
                        boolean totalize)

        If the parameter totalize is set to true, an additional sink state will be added to the automaton and all otherwise undefined transitions will transition the automaton into the sink. Note: this mutates the original automaton.

        automaton - the Brics automaton to wrap.
        totalize - flag, indicating whether the automaton should have a total transition function.