Interface ProcessingOrder

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ProcessingOrder
    Interface for entities that specify the order in which blue states are processed (i.e., considered for merges). This class contains a single method, which creates a worklist (i.e., a Queue) in which blue states are maintained. A class implementing this interface can establish specific ordering constraints on the returned worklist, such as LIFO or FIFO behavior, or ordering according to a certain Comparator.

    This interface is provided for extensibility only, but most probably does not need to be implemented by a user. See DefaultProcessingOrders for a (probably) sufficient set of pre-defined processing orders.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • createWorklist

        <S extends AbstractBlueFringePTAState<S,​?,​?>> Queue<PTATransition<S>> createWorklist()
        Creates a worklist for managing the set of blue states in the RPNI algorithm.
        a worklist with some specific ordering constraints