Class SPAs

  • public final class SPAs
    extends Object
    Operations on SPAs.
    • Method Detail

      • computeTerminatingSequences

        public static <I> Map<I,​Word<I>> computeTerminatingSequences​(SPA<?,​I> spa,
                                                                           ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet)
        Computes for a given SPA a set of terminating sequences using the given alphabet. Terminating sequences transfer a procedure from its initial state to an accepting state. This method furthermore checks that the hierarchy of calls is well-defined, i.e. it only includes procedural invocations p for determining a terminating sequence if p has a valid terminating sequence itself.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa - the SPA to analyze
        alphabet - the ProceduralInputAlphabet whose symbols should be used for determining the terminating sequences
        A map from procedures (restricted to the call symbols of the given alphabet) to the terminating sequences. This map may be partial as some procedures may not have a well-defined terminating sequence for the given alphabet.
      • computeAccessAndReturnSequences

        public static <I> Pair<Map<I,​Word<I>>,​Map<I,​Word<I>>> computeAccessAndReturnSequences​(SPA<?,​I> spa,
                                                                                                                ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet,
                                                                                                                Map<I,​Word<I>> terminatingSequences)
        Computes for a given SPA a set of access sequences and return sequences using the given alphabet. An access sequence (for procedure p) transfers an SPA from its initial state to a state that is able to successfully execute a run of p, whereas the corresponding return sequence transfers the SPA to the global accepting state from an accepting state of p. This method furthermore checks that potentially nested calls are well-defined, i.e. it only includes procedural invocations p for determining access/return sequences if p has a valid terminating sequence and therefore can be expanded correctly.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa - the SPA to analyze
        alphabet - the ProceduralInputAlphabet whose symbols should be used for determining the access and return sequences
        terminatingSequences - a Map of call symbols to terminating sequences used to expand nested invocations in access sequences
        A pair of maps from procedures (restricted to the call symbols of the given alphabet) to the access/return sequences. These maps may be partial as some procedures may not have well-defined access/terminating sequences for the given alphabet.
      • isMinimal

        public static <I> boolean isMinimal​(SPA<?,​I> spa,
                                            ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet)
        Checks if a given SPA is redundancy-free, i.e. if for all procedures there exists an access sequence, terminating sequence, and return sequence.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa - the SPA to check
        alphabet - the alphabet whose symbols should be used for computing the respective sequences
        true if spa is redundancy-free, false otherwise.
      • findSeparatingWord

        public static <I> @Nullable Word<I> findSeparatingWord​(SPA<?,​I> spa1,
                                                               SPA<?,​I> spa2,
                                                               ProceduralInputAlphabet<I> alphabet)
        Computes a separating word for the two given SPAs, if existent. A separating word is a Word such that one SPA behaves different from the other.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa1 - the first SPA
        spa2 - the second SPA
        alphabet - the ProceduralInputAlphabet whose symbols should be considered for computing the separating word
        a separating word, if existent, null otherwise.
      • toOneSEVPA

        public static <I> OneSEVPA<?,​I> toOneSEVPA​(SPA<?,​I> spa)
        Transforms the given SPA into a language-equivalent OneSEVPA.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa - the SPA to transform
        the language-equivalent OneSEVPA
      • toNSEVPA

        public static <I> SEVPA<?,​I> toNSEVPA​(SPA<?,​I> spa)
        Transforms the given SPA into a language-equivalent N-SEVPA.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa - the SPA to transform
        the language-equivalent N-SEVPA
      • toCFMPS

        public static <I> ContextFreeModalProcessSystem<I,​Void> toCFMPS​(SPA<?,​I> spa)
        Returns a ContextFreeModalProcessSystem-based view on the language of a given SPA such that there exists a w-labeled path to the final node of the returned CFMPS' main procedure if and only if w is accepted by the given SPA. This allows one to model-check language properties of SPAs with tools such as M3C.
        Type Parameters:
        I - input symbol type
        spa - the SPA to convert
        the ContextFreeModalProcessSystem-based view on the given spa.