Class BacktrackingSearch

  • public final class BacktrackingSearch
    extends Object
    A class containing methods for computing adaptive distinguishing sequences (for arbitrary sets of states) by means of a backtracking approach.
    • Method Detail

      • compute

        public static <S,​I,​O> Optional<ADSNode<S,​I,​O>> compute​(MealyMachine<S,​I,​?,​O> automaton,
                                                                                       Alphabet<I> input,
                                                                                       Set<S> states)
        Computes an ADS by constructing (growing) splitting words for the current set of states and recursively computing sub-ADSs for the induced partitions. May yield non-optimal ADSs.
        Type Parameters:
        S - (hypothesis) state type
        I - input alphabet type
        O - output alphabet type
        automaton - The automaton for which an ADS should be computed
        input - the input alphabet of the automaton
        states - the set of states which should be distinguished by the computed ADS
        Optional.empty() if there exists no ADS that distinguishes the given states, a valid ADS otherwise.
      • computeOptimal

        public static <S,​I,​O> Optional<ADSNode<S,​I,​O>> computeOptimal​(MealyMachine<S,​I,​?,​O> automaton,
                                                                                              Alphabet<I> input,
                                                                                              Set<S> states,
                                                                                              BacktrackingSearch.CostAggregator costAggregator)
        Computes an ADS by iterating over the successor tree in a breadth-first manner, yielding an optimal (dependent on the passed optimization function) ADS.
        Type Parameters:
        S - (hypothesis) state type
        I - input alphabet type
        O - output alphabet type
        automaton - The automaton for which an ADS should be computed
        input - the input alphabet of the automaton
        states - the set of states which should be distinguished by the computed ADS
        costAggregator - the optimization function by which solutions should be pruned
        Optional.empty() if there exists no ADS that distinguishes the given states, a valid ADS otherwise.