Class M3CParser

  • public final class M3CParser
    extends Object
    This class can be used to parse formulas in CTL and the mu-calculus.
    • CTL grammar:
       f := true | false | AP | (f) |
            !f | f && f | f || f | f -> f | f <-> f |
            <>f | <ID>f | []f | [ID]f |
            AF f | AG f | A(f U f) | A(f W f) | EF f | EG f | E(f U f) | E(f W f)
    • mu-calculus grammar:
       f := true | false | AP | (f) |
            !f | f && f | f || f | f -> f | f <-> f |
            <>f | <ID>f | []f | [ID]f |
            mu ID.(f) | nu ID.(f) | ID
     AP := "arbitrary string not containing double quotation marks" | 'arbitrary string not containing single quotation marks'
     ID := ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] (["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] | ["0"-"9"] | "_")*
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static FormulaNode<String,​String> parse​(String formula)
                                                      throws ParseException
        Returns the abstract syntax tree of a given formula. Each label is transformed to a String. Each atomic proposition is transformed to a String.
        formula - ctl or mu-calculus formula to be parsed
        formula's abstract syntax tree.
        ParseException - if formula is not a valid formula.
      • parse

        public static <L,​AP> FormulaNode<L,​AP> parse​(String formula,
                                                                 Function<String,​L> labelParser,
                                                                 Function<String,​AP> apParser)
                                                          throws ParseException
        Returns the abstract syntax tree of a given formula. Each label and atomic proposition is transformed according to the given parsers.
        Type Parameters:
        L - edge label type
        AP - atomic proposition type
        formula - ctl or mu-calculus formula to be parsed
        labelParser - parser to transform the labels of the formula
        apParser - parser to transform the atomic propositions of the formula
        formula's abstract syntax tree.
        ParseException - if formula is not a valid formula.