001/* Copyright (C) 2013 TU Dortmund
002 * This file is part of AutomataLib, http://www.automatalib.net/.
003 * 
004 * AutomataLib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
005 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
006 * License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
007 * 
008 * AutomataLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
009 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
011 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
012 * 
013 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
014 * License along with AutomataLib; if not, see
015 * http://www.gnu.de/documents/lgpl.en.html.
016 */
017package net.automatalib.incremental.mealy;
019import java.util.ArrayDeque;
020import java.util.ArrayList;
021import java.util.Collection;
022import java.util.Collections;
023import java.util.HashMap;
024import java.util.List;
025import java.util.Map;
026import java.util.Objects;
027import java.util.Queue;
029import net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAutomaton;
030import net.automatalib.automata.concepts.StateIDs;
031import net.automatalib.automata.concepts.TransitionOutput;
032import net.automatalib.automata.graphs.AbstractAutomatonGraph;
033import net.automatalib.automata.graphs.TransitionEdge.Property;
034import net.automatalib.automata.transout.MealyMachine;
035import net.automatalib.automata.transout.impl.compact.CompactMealy;
036import net.automatalib.commons.util.UnionFind;
037import net.automatalib.commons.util.mappings.MutableMapping;
038import net.automatalib.graphs.UniversalGraph;
039import net.automatalib.graphs.concepts.NodeIDs;
040import net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DOTPlottableGraph;
041import net.automatalib.graphs.dot.GraphDOTHelper;
042import net.automatalib.incremental.ConflictException;
043import net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction;
044import net.automatalib.words.Alphabet;
045import net.automatalib.words.Word;
046import net.automatalib.words.WordBuilder;
049 * Incrementally builds an (acyclic) Mealy machine, from a set of input and corresponding
050 * output words.
051 * 
052 * @author Malte Isberner <malte.isberner@gmail.com>
053 *
054 * @param <I> input symbol class
055 * @param <O> output symbol class
056 */
057public class IncrementalMealyBuilder<I, O> extends
058        AbstractDeterministicAutomaton<State, I, TransitionRecord> implements
059        TransitionOutput<TransitionRecord, O>,
060        UniversalGraph<State, TransitionRecord, Void, Property<I,O>>,
061        DOTPlottableGraph<State, TransitionRecord>,
062        IncrementalConstruction<MealyMachine<?,I,?,O>, I> {
065        private static final class SuffixInfo {
066                private final State last;
067                private final State end;
069                public SuffixInfo(State last, State end) {
070                        this.last = last;
071                        this.end = end;
072                }
074                public State getLast() {
075                        return last;
076                }
078                public State getEnd() {
079                        return end;
080                }
081        }
083        private final Map<StateSignature, State> register = new HashMap<>();
085        private final Alphabet<I> inputAlphabet;
086        private final int alphabetSize;
087        private final State init;
089        /**
090         * Constructor.
091         * @param inputAlphabet the input alphabet to use
092         */
093        public IncrementalMealyBuilder(Alphabet<I> inputAlphabet) {
094                this.inputAlphabet = inputAlphabet;
095                this.alphabetSize = inputAlphabet.size();
096                StateSignature initSig = new StateSignature(alphabetSize);
097                this.init = new State(initSig);
098                register.put(null, init);
099        }
101        /*
102         * (non-Javadoc)
103         * @see net.automatalib.automata.abstractimpl.AbstractDeterministicAutomaton#size()
104         */
105        @Override
106        public int size() {
107                return register.size();
108        }
110        /**
111         * Retrieves the (internal) state reached by the given input word,
112         * or <tt>null</tt> if no information about the input word is present.
113         * @param word the input word
114         * @return the corresponding state
115         */
116        private State getState(Word<I> word) {
117                State s = init;
119                for (I sym : word) {
120                        int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
121                        s = s.getSuccessor(idx);
122                        if (s == null)
123                                return null;
124                }
125                return s;
126        }
128        /**
129         * Checks whether there exists secured information about the output
130         * for the given word.
131         * @param word the input word
132         * @return a boolean indicating whether information about the output for the
133         * given input word exists.
134         */
135        public boolean isComplete(Word<I> word) {
136                State s = getState(word);
137                return (s != null);
138        }
140        /**
141         * Retrieves the output word for the given input word. If no definitive information
142         * for the input word exists, the output for the longest known prefix will be returned.
143         * @param word the input word
144         * @param output a {@link WordBuilder} for constructing the output word
145         * @return <tt>true</tt> if the information contained was complete (in this case,
146         * <code>word.length() == output.size()</code> will hold), <tt>false</tt> otherwise. 
147         */
148        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
149        public boolean lookup(Word<I> word, WordBuilder<O> output) {
150                State curr = init;
151                for(I sym : word) {
152                        int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
153                        State succ = curr.getSuccessor(idx);
154                        if(succ == null)
155                                return false;
156                        output.append((O)curr.getOutput(idx));
157                        curr = succ;
158                }
160                return true;
161        }
164        /**
165         * Incorporates a pair of input/output words into the stored information.
166         * @param word the input word
167         * @param outputWord the corresponding output word
168         * @throws ConflictException if this information conflicts with information already stored
169         */
170        public void insert(Word<I> word, Word<O> outputWord) {
171                int len = word.length();
173                State curr = init;
174                State conf = null;
176                int confIndex = -1;
178                int prefixLen = 0;
179                // Find the internal state in the automaton that can be reached by a
180                // maximal prefix of the word (i.e., a path of secured information)
181                for (I sym : word) {
182                        // During this, store the *first* confluence state (i.e., state with
183                        // multiple incoming edges).
184                        if (conf == null && curr.isConfluence()) {
185                                conf = curr;
186                                confIndex = prefixLen;
187                        }
189                        int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
190                        State succ = curr.getSuccessor(idx);
191                        if (succ == null)
192                                break;
193                        // If a transition exists for the input symbol, it also has an output symbol.
194                        // Check if this matches the provided one, otherwise there is a conflict
195                        O outSym = outputWord.getSymbol(prefixLen);
196                        if(!Objects.equals(outSym, curr.getOutput(idx)))
197                                throw new ConflictException("Error inserting " + word + " / " + outputWord + ": Incompatible output symbols: " + outSym + " vs " + curr.getOutput(idx));
198                        curr = succ;
199                        prefixLen++;
200                }
202                // The information was already present - we do not need to continue
203                if (prefixLen == len)
204                        return;
207                // We then create a suffix path, i.e., a linear sequence of states corresponding to
208                // the suffix (more precisely: the suffix minus the first symbol, since this is the
209                // transition which is used for gluing the suffix path to the existing automaton).
210                Word<I> suffix = word.subWord(prefixLen);
211                Word<O> suffixOut = outputWord.subWord(prefixLen);
213                State last;
215                State suffixState;
216                State endpoint = null;
217                if(conf != null) {
218                        // If we encountered a confluence state on a way, the whole path including
219                        // the confluence state will have to be duplicated to separate it from
220                        // other prefixes
221                        suffixState = createSuffix(suffix.subWord(1), suffixOut.subWord(1));
222                }
223                else {
224                        // This is a dangerous corner case: If NO confluence state was found, it can happen
225                        // that the last state of the suffix path is merged with the end of the prefix path
226                        // (i.e., when both have no outgoing transitions - note that this is ALWAYS the case
227                        // upon the first insert() call). Because there is no confluence we resolve by cloning
228                        // part of the prefix path, we might accidentally introduce a cycle here.
229                        // Storing the endpoint of the suffix path allows avoiding this later on.
230                        SuffixInfo suffixRes = createSuffix2(suffix.subWord(1), suffixOut.subWord(1));
231                        suffixState = suffixRes.getLast();
232                        endpoint = suffixRes.getEnd();
233                }
235                // Here we create the "gluing" transition
236                I sym = suffix.getSymbol(0);
237                int suffTransIdx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
238                O suffTransOut = suffixOut.getSymbol(0);
241                int currentIndex;
242                if (conf != null) {
243                        // If there was a confluence state, we have to clone all nodes on
244                        // the prefix path up to this state, in order to separate it from other
245                        // prefixes reaching the confluence state (we do not now anything about them
246                        // plus the suffix).
247                        last = clone(curr, suffTransIdx, suffixState, suffTransOut);
249                        for (int i = prefixLen - 1; i >= confIndex; i--) {
250                                State s = getState(word.prefix(i));
251                                sym = word.getSymbol(i);
252                                int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
253                                last = clone(s, idx, last);
254                        }
256                        currentIndex = confIndex;
257                } else {
258                        // Otherwise, we have to check for the above-mentioned corner case, and possibly
259                        // also duplicate the last state on the prefix path
260                        if(endpoint == curr)
261                                last = clone(curr, suffTransIdx, suffixState, suffTransOut);
262                        else if(curr != init)
263                                last = updateSignature(curr, suffTransIdx, suffixState, suffTransOut);
264                        else {
265                                // The last state on the prefix path is the initial state. After updating
266                                // its signature, we are done since we cannot backtrack any further.
267                                updateInitSignature(suffTransIdx, suffixState, suffTransOut);
268                                return;
269                        }
270                        currentIndex = prefixLen;
271                }
273                // Finally, we have to refresh all the signatures, iterating backwards
274                // until the updating becomes stable.
275                while (--currentIndex > 0) {
276                        State state = getState(word.prefix(currentIndex));
277                        sym = word.getSymbol(currentIndex);
278                        int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
279                        last = updateSignature(state, idx, last);
281                        if (state == last)
282                                return;
283                }
285                sym = word.getSymbol(0);
286                int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
287                updateInitSignature(idx, last);
288        }
291        /**
292         * Update the signature of the initial state. This requires special handling, as the
293         * initial state is not stored in the register (since it can never legally act as a predecessor).
294         * @param idx the transition index being changed
295         * @param succ the new successor state
296         */
297        private void updateInitSignature(int idx, State succ) {
298                StateSignature sig = init.getSignature();
299                State oldSucc = sig.successors[idx];
300                if(oldSucc == succ)
301                        return;
302                if(oldSucc != null)
303                        oldSucc.decreaseIncoming();
304                sig.successors[idx] = succ;
305                succ.increaseIncoming();
306        }
308        /**
309         * Update the signature of a state, changing only the successor state of a single transition
310         * index.
311         * @param state the state which's signature to update
312         * @param idx the transition index to modify
313         * @param succ the new successor state
314         * @return the resulting state, which can either be the same as the input state (if the new
315         * signature is unique), or the result of merging with another state.
316         */
317        private State updateSignature(State state, int idx, State succ) {
318                StateSignature sig = state.getSignature();
319                if (sig.successors[idx] == succ)
320                        return state;
322                register.remove(sig);
323                if(sig.successors[idx] != null)
324                        sig.successors[idx].decreaseIncoming();
325                sig.successors[idx] = succ;
326                succ.increaseIncoming();
327                sig.updateHashCode();
328                return replaceOrRegister(state);
329        }
331        /**
332         * Updates the signature of the initial state, changing both the successor state
333         * and the output symbol.
334         * @param idx the transition index to change
335         * @param succ the new successor state
336         * @param out the output symbol
337         */
338        private void updateInitSignature(int idx, State succ, O out) {
339                StateSignature sig = init.getSignature();
340                State oldSucc = sig.successors[idx];
341                if(oldSucc == succ && Objects.equals(out, sig.outputs[idx]))
342                        return;
343                if(oldSucc != null)
344                        oldSucc.decreaseIncoming();
345                sig.successors[idx] = succ;
346                sig.outputs[idx] = out;
347                succ.increaseIncoming();
348        }
350        /**
351         * Updates the signature of a state, changing both the successor state and the output
352         * symbol for a single transition index.
353         * @param state the state which's signature to change
354         * @param idx the transition index to change
355         * @param succ the new successor state
356         * @param out the output symbol
357         * @return the resulting state, which can either be the same as the input state (if the new
358         * signature is unique), or the result of merging with another state.
359         */
360        private State updateSignature(State state, int idx, State succ, O out) {
361                StateSignature sig = state.getSignature();
362                if (sig.successors[idx] == succ && Objects.equals(out, sig.outputs[idx]))
363                        return state;
365                register.remove(sig);
366                if(sig.successors[idx] != null)
367                        sig.successors[idx].decreaseIncoming();
368                sig.successors[idx] = succ;
369                succ.increaseIncoming();
370                sig.outputs[idx] = out;
371                sig.updateHashCode();
372                return replaceOrRegister(state);
373        }
376        private State clone(State other, int idx, State succ) {
377                StateSignature sig = other.getSignature();
378                if (sig.successors[idx] == succ)
379                        return other;
380                sig = sig.clone();
381                sig.successors[idx] = succ;
382                sig.updateHashCode();
383                return replaceOrRegister(sig);
384        }
386        private State clone(State other, int idx, State succ, O out) {
387                StateSignature sig = other.getSignature();
388                if (sig.successors[idx] == succ && Objects.equals(out, sig.outputs[idx]))
389                        return other;
390                sig = sig.clone();
391                sig.successors[idx] = succ;
392                sig.outputs[idx] = out;
393                sig.updateHashCode();
394                return replaceOrRegister(sig);
395        }
397        private State replaceOrRegister(StateSignature sig) {
398                State state = register.get(sig);
399                if (state != null)
400                        return state;
402                register.put(sig, state = new State(sig));
403                for (int i = 0; i < sig.successors.length; i++) {
404                        State succ = sig.successors[i];
405                        if (succ != null)
406                                succ.increaseIncoming();
407                }
408                return state;
409        }
411        private State replaceOrRegister(State state) {
412                StateSignature sig = state.getSignature();
413                State other = register.get(sig);
414                if (other != null) {
415                        if (state != other) {
416                                for (int i = 0; i < sig.successors.length; i++) {
417                                        State succ = sig.successors[i];
418                                        if(succ != null)
419                                                succ.decreaseIncoming();
420                                }
421                        }
422                        return other;
423                }
425                register.put(sig, state);
426                return state;
427        }
429        private State createSuffix(Word<I> suffix, Word<O> suffixOut) {
430                StateSignature sig = new StateSignature(alphabetSize);
431                sig.updateHashCode();
432                State last = replaceOrRegister(sig);
434                int len = suffix.length();
435                for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
436                        sig = new StateSignature(alphabetSize);
437                        I sym = suffix.getSymbol(i);
438                        O outsym = suffixOut.getSymbol(i);
439                        int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
440                        sig.successors[idx] = last;
441                        sig.outputs[idx] = outsym;
442                        sig.updateHashCode();
443                        last = replaceOrRegister(sig);
444                }
446                return last;
447        }
449        private SuffixInfo createSuffix2(Word<I> suffix, Word<O> suffixOut) {
450                StateSignature sig = new StateSignature(alphabetSize);
451                sig.updateHashCode();
452                State last = replaceOrRegister(sig);
453                State end = last;
455                int len = suffix.length();
456                for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
457                        sig = new StateSignature(alphabetSize);
458                        I sym = suffix.getSymbol(i);
459                        O outsym = suffixOut.getSymbol(i);
460                        int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
461                        sig.successors[idx] = last;
462                        sig.outputs[idx] = outsym;
463                        sig.updateHashCode();
464                        last = replaceOrRegister(sig);
465                }
467                return new SuffixInfo(last, end);
468        }
472        /*
473         * (non-Javadoc)
474         * @see net.automatalib.ts.TransitionSystem#getSuccessor(java.lang.Object)
475         */
476        @Override
477        public State getSuccessor(TransitionRecord transition) {
478                return transition.source.getSuccessor(transition.transIdx);
479        }
481        /*
482         * (non-Javadoc)
483         * @see net.automatalib.ts.SimpleDTS#getInitialState()
484         */
485        @Override
486        public State getInitialState() {
487                return init;
488        }
490        /*
491         * (non-Javadoc)
492         * @see net.automatalib.graphs.UniversalGraph#getNodeProperties(java.lang.Object)
493         */
494        @Override
495        public Void getNodeProperty(State node) {
496                return null;
497        }
499        /*
500         * (non-Javadoc)
501         * @see net.automatalib.graphs.UniversalGraph#getEdgeProperties(java.lang.Object)
502         */
503        @Override
504        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
505        public Property<I, O> getEdgeProperty(TransitionRecord edge) {
506                I input = inputAlphabet.getSymbol(edge.transIdx);
507                O out = (O)edge.source.getOutput(edge.transIdx);
508                return new Property<>(input, out);
509        }
511        /*
512         * (non-Javadoc)
513         * @see net.automatalib.graphs.IndefiniteGraph#getOutgoingEdges(java.lang.Object)
514         */
515        @Override
516        public Collection<TransitionRecord> getOutgoingEdges(State node) {
517                List<TransitionRecord> edges = new ArrayList<TransitionRecord>();
518                for(int i = 0; i < alphabetSize; i++) {
519                        if(node.getSuccessor(i) != null)
520                                edges.add(new TransitionRecord(node, i));
521                }
522                return edges;
523        }
525        /*
526         * (non-Javadoc)
527         * @see net.automatalib.graphs.IndefiniteGraph#getTarget(java.lang.Object)
528         */
529        @Override
530        public State getTarget(TransitionRecord edge) {
531                return edge.source.getSuccessor(edge.transIdx);
532        }
534        /*
535         * (non-Javadoc)
536         * @see net.automatalib.automata.concepts.TransitionOutput#getTransitionOutput(java.lang.Object)
537         */
538        @Override
539        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
540        public O getTransitionOutput(TransitionRecord transition) {
541                return (O)transition.source.getOutput(transition.transIdx);
542        }
544        /*
545         * (non-Javadoc)
546         * @see net.automatalib.ts.DeterministicTransitionSystem#getTransition(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
547         */
548        @Override
549        public TransitionRecord getTransition(State state, I input) {
550                int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(input);
551                if(state.getSuccessor(idx) != null)
552                        return new TransitionRecord(state, idx);
553                return null;
554        }
556        /*
557         * (non-Javadoc)
558         * @see net.automatalib.graphs.dot.DOTPlottableGraph#getHelper()
559         */
560        @Override
561        public GraphDOTHelper<State, TransitionRecord> getGraphDOTHelper() {
562                return new DOTHelper(inputAlphabet, init);
563        }
565        /*
566         * (non-Javadoc)
567         * @see net.automatalib.ts.SimpleFiniteTS#getStates()
568         */
569        @Override
570        public Collection<State> getStates() {
571                return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(register.values());
572        }
574        /*
575         * (non-Javadoc)
576         * @see net.automatalib.graphs.FiniteGraph#getNodes()
577         */
578        @Override
579        public Collection<State> getNodes() {
580                return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(register.values());
581        }
583        /*
584         * (non-Javadoc)
585         * @see net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction#getInputAlphabet()
586         */
587        @Override
588        public Alphabet<I> getInputAlphabet() {
589                return inputAlphabet;
590        }
592        /*
593         * (non-Javadoc)
594         * @see net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction#findSeparatingWord(java.lang.Object, java.util.Collection, boolean)
595         */
596        @Override
597        public Word<I> findSeparatingWord(MealyMachine<?, I, ?, O> target,
598                        Collection<? extends I> inputs, boolean omitUndefined) {
599                return doFindSeparatingWord(target, inputs, omitUndefined);
600        }
602        /*
603         * (non-Javadoc)
604         * @see net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction#toAutomaton()
605         */
606        @Override
607        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
608        public CompactMealy<I, O> toAutomaton() {
609                CompactMealy<I,O> result = new CompactMealy<I,O>(inputAlphabet, register.size());
611                Map<State,Integer> stateMap = new HashMap<>();
613                for(State s : register.values()) {
614                        Integer id;
615                        if(s == init)
616                                id = result.addInitialState();
617                        else
618                                id = result.addState();
619                        stateMap.put(s, id);
620                }
622                for(Map.Entry<State,Integer> e : stateMap.entrySet()) {
623                        State s = e.getKey();
624                        Integer id = e.getValue();
626                        for(int i = 0; i < alphabetSize; i++) {
627                                State succ = s.getSuccessor(i);
628                                if(succ == null)
629                                        continue;
630                                I sym = inputAlphabet.getSymbol(i);
631                                O out = (O)s.getOutput(i);
632                                Integer succId = stateMap.get(succ);
633                                result.addTransition(id, sym, succId, out);
634                        }
635                }
637                return result;
638        }
640        /*
641         * (non-Javadoc)
642         * @see net.automatalib.incremental.IncrementalConstruction#hasDefinitiveInformation(net.automatalib.words.Word)
643         */
644        @Override
645        public boolean hasDefinitiveInformation(Word<I> word) {
646                State s = getState(word);
647                return (s != null);
648        }
650        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
651        // Equivalence test                                                  //
652        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
654        private static int getStateId(State state, Map<State,Integer> ids) {
655                Integer id = ids.get(state);
656                if(id == null) {
657                        id = ids.size();
658                        ids.put(state, id);
659                }
660                return id.intValue();
661        }
663        private static final class Record<S,I> {
664                private final State state1;
665                private final S state2;
666                private final I reachedVia;
667                private final Record<S,I> reachedFrom;
668                private final int depth;
670                public Record(State state1, S state2, Record<S,I> reachedFrom, I reachedVia) {
671                        this.state1 = state1;
672                        this.state2 = state2;
673                        this.reachedFrom = reachedFrom;
674                        this.reachedVia = reachedVia;
675                        this.depth = (reachedFrom != null) ? reachedFrom.depth + 1 : 0;
676                }
678                public Record(State state1, S state2) {
679                        this(state1, state2, null, null);
680                }
681        }
683        private <S,T> Word<I> doFindSeparatingWord(MealyMachine<S,I,T,O> mealy, Collection<? extends I> inputs, boolean omitUndefined) {
684                int thisStates = register.size();
686                UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(thisStates + mealy.size());
688                Map<State,Integer> ids = new HashMap<State,Integer>();
690                State init1 = init;
691                S init2 = mealy.getInitialState();
693                if(init2 == null)
694                        return omitUndefined ? null : Word.<I>epsilon();
696                StateIDs<S> mealyIds = mealy.stateIDs();
698                int id1 = getStateId(init1, ids), id2 = mealyIds.getStateId(init2) + thisStates;
700                uf.link(id1, id2);
702                Queue<Record<S,I>> queue = new ArrayDeque<Record<S,I>>();
704                queue.offer(new Record<S,I>(init1, init2));
706                I lastSym = null;
708                Record<S,I> current;
710explore:while((current = queue.poll()) != null) {
711                        State state1 = current.state1;
712                        S state2 = current.state2;
714                        for(I sym : inputs) {
715                                int idx = inputAlphabet.getSymbolIndex(sym);
716                                State succ1 = state1.getSuccessor(idx);
717                                if(succ1 == null)
718                                        continue;
720                                T trans2 = mealy.getTransition(state2, sym);
721                                if(trans2 == null) {
722                                        if(omitUndefined)
723                                                continue;
724                                        lastSym = sym;
725                                        break explore;
726                                }
728                                Object out1 = state1.getOutput(idx);
729                                Object out2 = mealy.getTransitionOutput(trans2);
730                                if(!Objects.equals(out1, out2)) {
731                                        lastSym = sym;
732                                        break explore;
733                                }
735                                S succ2 = mealy.getSuccessor(trans2);
737                                id1 = getStateId(succ1, ids);
738                                id2 = mealyIds.getStateId(succ2) + thisStates;
740                                int r1 = uf.find(id1), r2 = uf.find(id2);
742                                if(r1 == r2)
743                                        continue;
745                                uf.link(r1, r2);
747                                queue.offer(new Record<>(succ1, succ2, current, sym));
748                        }
749        }
751                if(current == null)
752                        return null;
754                int ceLength = current.depth;
755                if(lastSym != null)
756                        ceLength++;
758                WordBuilder<I> wb = new WordBuilder<I>(null, ceLength);
760                int index = ceLength;
762                if(lastSym != null)
763                        wb.setSymbol(--index, lastSym);
765                while(current.reachedFrom != null) {
766                        wb.setSymbol(--index, current.reachedVia);
767                        current = current.reachedFrom;
768                }
770                return wb.toWord();
771        }
773        @Override
774        public NodeIDs<State> nodeIDs() {
775                return AbstractAutomatonGraph.nodeIDs(this);
776        }
778        @Override
779        public <V> MutableMapping<State, V> createStaticNodeMapping() {
780                return AbstractAutomatonGraph.createDynamicNodeMapping(this);
781        }
783        @Override
784        public <V> MutableMapping<State, V> createDynamicNodeMapping() {
785                return AbstractAutomatonGraph.createDynamicNodeMapping(this);
786        }